Basket Weave Container. Challenge running from September 1st to September 30th, 2014. Sponsored by Red Heart Yarns.
Personalize Your Container
Your mission is to crochet a custom made basket weave container that is decorated with a minimum of 3 crochet motifs attached to the container with optional use of using mixed media such as ribbons, buttons and whatever you can get your hands on. Your container can be in any theme or decorative idea.
Optional But Creative: We would love to see containers that tell a story in some way. Maybe it’s part of a fairy tale, nursery rhythm or maybe something that is relevant to your life.
One lucky person at the end, will be gifted a fully loaded Red Heart Yarn Bag with Crochet Crowd Gifts. We also have a sterling silver crochet hook necklace by Furls Crochet Hooks in this package.
Each completed container is considered 1 entry. Do as many as you like. We have random draws, unless otherwise stated. It’s a lottery system and everyone has a fair chance.
Inspired by Candy Crush
If you need help with colour schemes using Super Saver Yarn, check out Diva Dan’s Trendy Colours Page for ideas. Diva Dan has over 80 different colour combinations.
Goals for This Project
Learn and understand the concepts of enlarging circles as shown on the base of the container.
Learn a technique of applying a ridge at the base of the container for stablization.
Learn and understand the concepts of this basket weave stitch.
Find and exercise your personal creativity with applying a minimum of 3 crochet motifs to your project.
Have fun and encourage each other’s creative skills.
Guidelines for Completion – The Challenge
Container Challenge for September 2014 Crochet Challenges
You must complete the pattern for the main base of the container. The minimum completion is Round 1 to Round 25 of the container instructions. If your tension is different and the sizing doesn’t match the pattern the physical size it should be, we will accept the entry as long as the pattern is followed and we can count the minimum number of rounds in the picture.
You may substitute your crochet hook but you still must follow the pattern for the main base of the container.
You may increase the size of your container in diameter and/or height but you may not change the shape, for example – round to square.
OPTIONAL – Handle completion and owl face on the pattern are not required.
Suggested Yarn is Red Heart Super Saver but you may substitute yarn to make this project. Red Heart Super Saver is known for being stiff and sturdy, please be aware that other yarns may not provide the thickness or rigidity to allow the container to take its shape.
You can choose any colours you wish. You can mix and match your yarns. You are the creator.
Complete a minimum of 3 crochet motifs to apply to the outside of the container. For example, if your motif is made up of a few pieces in order to make the 1 complete motif, that is classified as 1 motif. The motifs can be anything such as doilies, flowers, characters or whatever is in your mind. You can add as many variety motifs as you wish. Embellishing your containers with mixed media such as ribbons, buttons and more are encouraged.
There is no sign up required to participate. Complete the project and submit your photo when you are done. This challenge is open to fans of The Crochet Crowd. There are no restrictions of country origin associated to our challenges.
You may use any yarn you wish. You may substitute your yarn for any brand or colors that you desire. You may create any color scheme
The projects must be the same stitching as indicated in the pattern. Do not disqualify yourself by changing the pattern stitching. Submission of a project equivalent to the project but isn’t the same will not be accepted.
If you are changing your hook size, we are still looking for the pattern to be the same. Even though your item may be bigger or smaller, we expect the same pattern to be followed. Changing the hook size doesn’t add or take away from the work involved in the stitches.
You may do as many projects as you wish. Each submitted project is considered a separate entry. If multiple entries are identical, a picture showing the projects together to prove their are multiple must be included with your submissions.
Crocheters Choice: After your pattern instructions are complete, you may add embellishments, borders and etc to the pattern to push your creativity further.
We require your photo to show the entire project so we know the entire project is done. The project photo must be showing all of the project for us to examine it’s completion. Ensure your project is completely finished with yarn tails and etc not showing. It’s like giving it out as a gift, we want to the see the photo showing as if you were gifting us the finished product. We will then know you are completely done.
This is intended for a fun community challenge only. We each are deserving of the highest praise possible for our own creativity. Let’s have fun.
How to Submit Your Photo
Submitting for the Crochet Crowd Challenge is really easy.
You must include your name and full mailing address to qualify.
Attach your photo(s).
If you have forgotten to include your name and address in your email and have to resend, you must send in your photo again with your new email.
Give us a 3 day window to review and enter your photo into our challenge. Do not resubmit. We do not acknowledge the arrivals of each email, but you may check our assigned gallery for this draw to ensure we have received it. The galleries are in alphabetical order by the assigned name you gave us.
To avoid your email from being misdirected and hitting our junk box. You must use the subject title. We are not responsible for emails that are misdirected as a result of a submission not following this procedure. To protect our servers, we delete any emails that arrive that have no subject title to prevent malware and virus programs from our systems.
Please read challenge rules before submitting photo.
Photo will be checked to verify it meets the challenge requirements.
All photos must be submitted during the challenge time frame only to be eligible for the prize giveaways. Entries after this due date will be accepted for our gallery but there are no prize giveaways after the deadline. We are firm on deadlines and do not offer extensions to be fair to everyone who has submitted on time.
When you email your finished photo to us, we respect your privacy and will only post your first and last name on the picture in our gallery with the photo so we can identify the winner at the end.
Posting your photos to our Facebook Wall doesn’t count as an entry. You must send it to us in the form above for us to review.
We will not switch the photo if you are unhappy with how it looks in the gallery, please ensure it’s the photo you definitely want featured is the only one sent.
Your emails are kept on file for the duration of the challenge and then deleted afterwards. We do not add your email to our newsletter lists.
Due to the countless technology platforms and services, we are not responsible for any of our challengers if a mobile devices or technology that isn’t compliant to being able to read our website, view our videos and/or get access to the free patterns.
Please verify your entry is in our gallery prior to our draw. We need up to 2 days to get your entry into our gallery. We upload it ourselves as part of our review process. If you do not see your entry, we most likely haven’t received your email. Do not wait until after the draw to check if your entry is in.
We are not responsible for any emails that are not delivered to us before the due date.
Show’n Tell on Facebook
Show’n Tell: Post your finished project on The Crochet Crowd Facebook Page to show everyone your finished work so we can drool over your creativity.
Featuring on Facebook is dependent on you. We do not upload your emailed photos to Facebook. You have to do that yourself if you want to Show N Tell your creativity.
Love the basket container mine came out not very tall but its done right and I used a size j hook could you tell me what ROWS to keep on doing to get it taller I know the challenge is over I’m done with ROW 23 could you email me thanks you are a great teacher and explain things easily also when the directions says join to top of chain 3 does that mean the very first one of the chain 3 or does that mean the third chain of the chain 3 when you join as want to clarify this thanks could you email me as want to finish it b
Mikey just discovered the basket challenge would you have the written instructions for the leaves please email me also I love the way you explain things as have watched other videos is scarves etc ya do and you do not go real fast either
Would ya have a pattern for a granny square owl pattern that is sorta easy also is the leaf basket or a new crocheter to do you are great
I made one 5x this size as a toy basket for the little girl I was a nanny for back in the 80’s it was big enough for a round kitchen garbage can too fit in.
Dear Mikey,
I have put some of my crochet things on your web sight. I must have miss your comments about them. I did a corner to corner afghan and I really wanted your opinion on it. I was so excited about it . It was fun but challenging. I want to know if you liked the yarn also thank you. Your forever Crochet Crowd Follower. thank you for all your help .
Love the basket container mine came out not very tall but its done right and I used a size j hook could you tell me what ROWS to keep on doing to get it taller I know the challenge is over I’m done with ROW 23 could you email me thanks you are a great teacher and explain things easily also when the directions says join to top of chain 3 does that mean the very first one of the chain 3 or does that mean the third chain of the chain 3 when you join as want to clarify this thanks could you email me as want to finish it b
Mikey love your leaves you put the pattern for another lady but clicked on it and leaf pattern is not there thanks
Mikey just discovered the basket challenge would you have the written instructions for the leaves please email me also I love the way you explain things as have watched other videos is scarves etc ya do and you do not go real fast either
Would ya have a pattern for a granny square owl pattern that is sorta easy also is the leaf basket or a new crocheter to do you are great
Google ‘leaves crochet pattern free’ and you will find many lovely ones to choose from
Pingback: Crochet Basket Weave Containers | Hobi ve El İşi Dünyası
Pingback: All The Makings: Container Challenge Accepted! | The Handmade Handmaiden
I made one 5x this size as a toy basket for the little girl I was a nanny for back in the 80’s it was big enough for a round kitchen garbage can too fit in.
Dear Mikey,
I have put some of my crochet things on your web sight. I must have miss your comments about them. I did a corner to corner afghan and I really wanted your opinion on it. I was so excited about it . It was fun but challenging. I want to know if you liked the yarn also thank you. Your forever Crochet Crowd Follower. thank you for all your help .
Pingback: Monday Makings: Container Challenge Accepted! | The Handmade Handmaiden